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Role Honorary Fellow Manager
Research area Clinical Sciences

Top Publications

  • Peyton, C, Millman, R, Rodriguez, S, Boswell, L, Naber, M, Spittle, A, de Regnier, R, Barbosa, VM, Sukal-Moulton, T. Motor Optimality Scores are significantly lower in a population of high-risk infants than in infants born moderate-late preterm. Early Human Development 174: 105684 2022
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  • Treyvaud, K, Eeles, AL, Spittle, AJ, Lee, KJ, Cheong, JLY, Shah, P, Doyle, LW, Anderson, PJ. Preterm Infant Outcomes at 24 Months After Clinician-Supported Web-Based Intervention.. Pediatrics 150(4) : 2022
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  • Spittle, A. Critically appraised paper: An intervention to reduce household recreational screen media usage improves physical activity in children. Journal of Physiotherapy 68(4) : 278 2022
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  • Kwong, AKL, Doyle, LW, Olsen, JE, Eeles, AL, Zannino, D, Mainzer, RM, Cheong, JLY, Spittle, AJ. Parent‐recorded videos of infant spontaneous movement: Comparisons at 3–4 months and relationships with 2‐year developmental outcomes in extremely preterm, extremely low birthweight and term‐born infants. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 36(5) : 673 -682 2022
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  • Zayegh, AM, Doyle, LW, Boland, RA, Mainzer, R, Spittle, AJ, Roberts, G, Hickey, LM, Anderson, PJ, Cheong, JLY, Group, TVICS. Trends in survival, perinatal morbidities and two‐year neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely low‐birthweight infants over four decades. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 36(5) : 594 -602 2022
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