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Gestational Age and the Cord Blood Lipidomic Profile in Late Preterm and Term Infants..
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Ponsonby, A-L, Pezic, A, Cameron, FJ, Rodda, C, Kemp, AS, Carlin, JB, Hyoty, H, Sioofy-Khojine, A, Dwyer, T, Ellis, JA, et al.
Higher parental occupational social contact is associated with a reduced risk of incident pediatric type 1 diabetes: Mediation through molecular enteroviral indices..
PLoS One
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McCloskey, K, Ponsonby, A-L, Collier, F, Allen, K, Tang, MLK, Carlin, JB, Saffery, R, Skilton, MR, Cheung, M, Ranganathan, S, et al.
The association between higher maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and increased birth weight, adiposity and inflammation in the newborn..
Pediatr Obes
46 -53
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Vermeulen, EM, Koplin, JJ, Dharmage, SC, Gurrin, LC, Peters, RL, McWilliam, V, Ponsonby, A-L, Dwyer, T, Lowe, AJ, Tang, MLK, et al.
Food Allergy Is an Important Risk Factor for Childhood Asthma, Irrespective of Whether It Resolves..
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract
1336 -1341.e3
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Peters, RL, Koplin, JJ, Allen, KJ, Lowe, AJ, Lodge, CJ, Tang, MLK, Wake, M, Ponsonby, A-L, Erbas, B, Abramson, MJ, et al.
The Prevalence of Food Sensitization Appears Not to Have Changed between 2 Melbourne Cohorts of High-Risk Infants Recruited 15 Years Apart..
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract
440 -448.e2
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