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Impact of childhood 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on adult pneumonia hospitalisations in Mongolia: a time series analysis..
Lancet Reg Health West Pac
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Hung, T-Y, Phuong, LK, Grobler, A, Tong, SYC, Freeth, P, Pelenda, A, Gibney, KB, Steer, AC.
Antibiotics to eradicate Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngeal carriage in asymptomatic children and adults: A systematic review..
J Infect
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Peyton, D, Wadley, G, Hackworth, N, Grobler, A, Hiscock, H.
A co-designed website (FindWays) to improve mental health literacy of parents of children with mental health problems: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial.
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Tosif, S, Lee, L-Y, Nguyen, J, Selman, C, Grobler, AC, McMinn, A, Steer, A, Daley, A, Crawford, N.
Less invasive SARS-CoV-2 testing for children: A comparison of saliva and a novel Anterior Nasal Swab.
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Tosif, S, Lee, L-Y, Nguyen, J, Overmars, I, MBioStat, CS, Grobler, AC, McMinn, A, Waller, G, McNab, S, Jarvis, T, et al.
A novel anterior nasal swab to detect respiratory viruses: a prospective study of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity.
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