Zeller, M, Heylen, E, Damanka, S, Pietsch, C, Donato, C, Tamura, T, Kulkarni, R, Arora, R, Cunliffe, N, Maunula, L, et al.
Emerging OP354-Like P[8] Rotaviruses Have Rapidly Dispersed from Asia to Other Continents..
Mol Biol Evol
2060 -2071
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My, PVT, Rabaa, MA, Donato, C, Cowley, D, Phat, VV, Dung, TTN, Anh, PH, Vinh, H, Bryant, JE, Kellam, P, et al.
Novel porcine-like human G26P[19] rotavirus identified in hospitalized paediatric diarrhoea patients in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam..
J Gen Virol
95(Pt 12)
2727 -2733
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Donato, CM, Zhang, ZA, Donker, NC, Kirkwood, CD.
Characterization of G2P[4] rotavirus strains associated with increased detection in Australian states using the RotaTeq® vaccine during the 2010-2011 surveillance period..
Infect Genet Evol
398 -412
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Donato, CM, Cowley, D, Donker, NC, Bogdanovic-Sakran, N, Snelling, TL, Kirkwood, CD.
Characterization of G2P[4] rotavirus strains causing outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the Northern Territory, Australia, in 1999, 2004 and 2009..
Infect Genet Evol
434 -445
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Donato, CM, Manuelpillai, NM, Cowley, D, Roczo-Farkas, S, Buttery, JP, Crawford, NW, Kirkwood, CD.
Genetic characterization of a novel G3P[14] rotavirus strain causing gastroenteritis in 12 year old Australian child..
Infect Genet Evol
97 -109
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