Yu, K, Seal, ML, Reyes, J, Godfrey, C, Anderson, V, Adamson, C, Ryan, NP, Hearps, SJC, Catroppa, C.
Brain volumetric correlates of inhibition and cognitive flexibility 16 years following childhood traumatic brain injury..
J Neurosci Res
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Kiat Pua, EP, Ball, G, Adamson, C, Bowden, S, Seal, M.
Quantifying individual differences in brain morphometry underlying symptom severity in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
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Alexander, B, Loh, WY, Matthews, L, Murray, A, Adamson, C, Beare, R, Chen, J, Kelly, C, Anderson, P, Doyle, L, et al.
Desikan-Killiany-Tourville Atlas Compatible Version of M-CRIB Neonatal Parcellated Whole Brain Atlas: The M-CRIB 2.0.
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Fan, Y, Beare, R, Matthews, H, Schneider, P, Kilpatrick, N, Clement, J, Claes, P, Penington, A, Adamson, C.
Marker-based watershed transform method for fully automatic mandibular segmentation from low-dose CBCT images.
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Ball, G, Adamson, C, Beare, R, Seal, ML.
Modelling neuroanatomical variation during childhood and adolescence with neighbourhood-preserving embedding..
Sci Rep
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