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Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse
671 -677
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Hawkins, MT, Letcher, P, O’Connor, M, Bant, S, Deery, A, Sanson, A, Toumbourou, JW, Olsson, CA.
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Rozenblat, V, Ryan, J, Wertheim, E, King, R, Olsson, CA, Letcher, P, Krug, I.
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Wilson, J, Tay, RY, McCormack, C, Allsop, S, Najman, J, Burns, L, Olsson, CA, Elliott, E, Jacobs, S, Mattick, RP, et al.
Alcohol consumption by breastfeeding mothers: Frequency, correlates and infant outcomes..
Drug Alcohol Rev
667 -676
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Rossen, L, Hutchinson, D, Wilson, J, Burns, L, Allsop, S, Elliott, EJ, Jacobs, S, Macdonald, JA, Olsson, C, Mattick, RP.
Maternal Bonding through Pregnancy and Postnatal: Findings from an Australian Longitudinal Study..
Am J Perinatol
808 -817
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