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Weight in the First Year of Life: Associations with Maternal Prepregnancy Body Mass Index and Gestational Weight Gain-Findings from a Longitudinal Pregnancy Cohort..
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Smart, D, Youssef, GJ, Sanson, A, Prior, M, Toumbourou, JW, Olsson, CA.
Consequences of childhood reading difficulties and behaviour problems for educational achievement and employment in early adulthood..
Br J Educ Psychol
288 -308
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Byrne, ML, Badcock, PB, Simmons, JG, Whittle, S, Pettitt, A, Olsson, CA, Mundy, LK, Patton, GC, Allen, NB.
Self-reported parenting style is associated with children's inflammation and immune activation..
J Fam Psychol
374 -380
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McPhie, S, Skouteris, H, Millar, L, Olsson, C, Campbell, K, van der Pligt, P, Dodd, J, Hill, B.
Preconception weight management: an untapped area of women's health..
Aust J Prim Health
61 -65
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Hudson, C, Spry, E, Borschmann, R, Becker, D, Moran, P, Olsson, C, Coffey, C, Romaniuk, H, Bayer, JK, Patton, GC.
Preconception personality disorder and antenatal maternal mental health: A population-based cohort study..
J Affect Disord
169 -176
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