Vears, DF.
Testing Children for Genetic Carrier Status.
1 -7
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Vears, DF, Gillam, L.
Inductive content analysis: A guide for beginning qualitative researchers.
Focus on Health Professional Education A Multi-Professional Journal
111 -127
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Vears, D, Hallowell, N, Bentzen, HB, Ellul, B, Nøst, T, Kerasidou, A, Kerr, S, Mayrhofer, M, Mežinska, S, Ormondroyd, E, et al.
Return of results from genomic research: a practical tool.
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Kuiper, J, Borry, P, Vears, D, Esch, HV, Cornel, M, Hoyweghen, IV.
Dealing with ambivalence in the practice of advanced genetic healthcare: towards an ethical choreography.
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Phillips, A, Vears, DF, Hoyweghen, I, Borry, P.
Clinician perspectives on policy approaches to genetic risk disclosure in families.
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