Larkins, NG, Kim, S, Carlin, JB, Grobler, AC, Burgner, DP, Lange, K, Craig, JC, Wake, M.
Albuminuria: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
75 -84
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Kahn, FK, Wake, M, Lycett, K, Clifford, S, Burgner, DP, Goldsmith, G, Grobler, AC, Lange, K, Cheung, M.
Vascular function and stiffness: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
34 -43
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Dascalu, J, Liu, M, Lycett, K, Grobler, AC, He, M, Burgner, DP, Wong, TY, Wake, M.
Retinal microvasculature: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
44 -52
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Nguyen, MT, Lycett, K, Vryer, R, Burgner, DP, Ranganathan, S, Grobler, AC, Wake, M, Saffery, R.
Telomere length: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
118 -126
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Clifford, SA, Davies, S, Wake, M, Child Health CheckPoint Team.
Child Health CheckPoint: cohort summary and methodology of a physical health and biospecimen module for the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
3 -22
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