Frazier, AE, Compton, AG, Kishita, Y, Hock, DH, Welch, AE, Amarasekera, SSC, Rius, R, Formosa, LE, Imai-Okazaki, A, Francis, D, et al.
Fatal perinatal mitochondrial cardiac failure caused by recurrent de novo duplications in the ATAD3 locus..
49 -73
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Chinnery, P, Majamaa, K, Thorburn, D, Turnbull, D.
Treatment for mitochondrial myopathy.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
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Cotton, R, Axton, M, Bankier, A, Brais, B, Cavedon, L, du Sart, D, George, P, Goldgar, D, Harrison, T, Hibbert, M, et al.
Suggested actions from the Melbourne HVP Information Seminar.
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Cotton, R, Axton, M, Bankier, A, Brais, B, Cavedon, L, du Sart, D, George, P, Goldgar, D, Harrison, T, Hibbert, M, et al.
Suggested actions from the Melbourne HVP Information Seminar.
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Jackson, TD, Hock, D, Palmer, CS, Kang, Y, Fujihara, KM, Clemons, NJ, Thorburn, DR, Stroud, DA, Stojanovski, D.
The TIM22 complex regulates mitochondrial one-carbon metabolism by mediating the import of Sideroflexins.
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