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Moving past the face mask? Nasopharyngeal tube and aeration during preterm resuscitation..
Pediatr Res
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Sett, A, Foo, GWC, Tingay, DG, Badurdeen, S.
The best of both worlds: Refining respiratory phenotypes through combined non-invasive lung monitoring..
Pediatr Res
877 -879
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Johnson, MD, Tingay, DG, Perkins, EJ, Sett, A, Devsam, B, Douglas, E, Charlton, JK, Wildenhain, P, Rumpel, J, Wagner, M, et al.
Factors that impact second attempt success for neonatal intubation following first attempt failure: a report from the National Emergency Airway Registry for Neonates..
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
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Chen, DY, Devsam, B, Sett, A, Perkins, EJ, Johnson, MD, Tingay, DG.
Factors that determine first intubation attempt success in high-risk neonates..
Pediatr Res
729 -735
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Bearer, C, Abman, SH, Agostoni, C, Ballard, P, Bliss, J, de Boode, WP, Canpolat, FE, Chalak, L, Cilio, MR, Dammann, O, et al.
Asperger's syndrome - about time to rename it?.
Pediatr Res
582 -584
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