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Experiences of participation in daily life of adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy: A scoping review..
Dev Med Child Neurol
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Harvey, A, Shepherd, D, Gibb, S, Baikie, G, D'Aprano, A, Reddihough, D, Babic, R, Hunter, F, Jealous, G, Imms, C.
Impact of care coordination on service utilisation for children with medically complex cerebral palsy..
J Paediatr Child Health
815 -824
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Tonmukayakul, U, Willoughby, K, Mihalopoulos, C, Reddihough, D, Mulhern, B, Carter, R, Robinson, S, Chen, G.
Correction: Development of algorithms for estimating the Child Health Utility 9D from Caregiver Priorities and Child Health Index of Life with Disabilities..
Qual Life Res
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Reid, SM, Hinwood, GL, Guzys, AT, Hunt, RW, Reddihough, DS.
Major structural congenital anomalies and causal pathways in people with cerebral palsy..
Dev Med Child Neurol
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Reid, SM, Hinwood, GL, Guzys, AT, Hunt, RW, Reddihough, DS.
Neonatal well-being and timing of brain injury in persons with cerebral palsy born at term or late preterm..
Dev Med Child Neurol
892 -901
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