Gussy, M, Waters, E, Riggs, E, KilPatrick, NM.
Mothers perceptions of mainstream dental health messages for their children: a qualitative study.
The Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists Association Journal
20 -20
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Gussy, M, Gold, L, Riggs, E, Waters, E, Kilpatrick, N.
Community Water Fluoridation: is it Still Worthwhile.
Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy
14 -14
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Riggs, E, Gussy, M, Waters, E, Davis, E, Gold, L, Gleeson, E, Kilpatrick, N.
Understanding Country KIDS: process and impact evaluation of a community-based child oral health promotion intervention in rural Victoria.
The Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists Association Journal
17 -17
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Gibbs, L, Gold, L, Kulkens, M, Riggs, E, van Gemert, C, Waters, E.
Are the Potential Benefits of a Community-Based Participatory Approach to Public Health Research Worth the Potential Costs?.
Just Policy: a journal of Australian social policy
58 -58
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