Passmore, E, Pandy, M, Graham, H, Sangeux, M.
Determining the medial-lateral axis of the femur using EOS biplane radiographs in children and adolescents with torsional deformities.
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Passmore, E, Graham, H, Pandy, M, Sangeux, M.
The effect of femoral and tibial torsion on muscle and joint function during walking.
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Passmore, E, Graham, H, Pandy, M, Sangeux, M.
Measuring lower limb torsion in the clinical setting: Evaluation of EOS, 3D ultrasound and physical examination against CT.
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Passmore, E, Pandy, M, Graham, H, Sangeux, M.
Accuracy of the knee joint axis orientation against freehand 3D ultrasound.
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Passmore, E, Kwong, AL, Greenstein, S, Olsen, JE, Eeles, AL, Cheong, JLY, Spittle, AJ, Ball, G.
Automated identification of abnormal infant movements from smart phone videos.
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