Mulraney, M, Sciberras, E, Payne, JM, De Luca, C, Mills, J, Tennant, M, Coghill, D.
Collaborative and Proactive Solutions compared with usual care to treat irritability in children and adolescents: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Psychologist
231 -239
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Dvorsky, MR, Breaux, R, Cusick, CN, Fredrick, JW, Green, C, Steinberg, A, Langberg, JM, Sciberras, E, Becker, SP.
Coping with COVID-19: Longitudinal Impact of the Pandemic on Adjustment and Links with Coping for Adolescents with and without ADHD..
Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol
605 -619
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Roy, AK, Breaux, R, Sciberras, E, Patel, P, Ferrara, E, Shroff, DM, Cash, AR, Dvorsky, MR, Langberg, JM, Quach, J, et al.
A preliminary examination of key strategies, challenges, and benefits of remote learning expressed by parents during the COVID-19 pandemic..
Sch Psychol
147 -159
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Sciberras, E, Patel, P, Stokes, MA, Coghill, D, Middeldorp, CM, Bellgrove, MA, Becker, SP, Efron, D, Stringaris, A, Faraone, SV, et al.
Physical Health, Media Use, and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents With ADHD During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Australia..
J Atten Disord
549 -562
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Bisset, M, Winter, L, Middeldorp, CM, Coghill, D, Zendarski, N, Bellgrove, MA, Sciberras, E.
Recent Attitudes toward ADHD in the Broader Community: A Systematic Review..
J Atten Disord
537 -548
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