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Role Esteemed Honorary Fellow
Group Hormone Research

Top Publications

  • Werther, G, Haynes, K, Edmondson, S, Oakes, S, Buchanan, C, Herington, A, Waters, M. Identification of growth hormone receptors on human growth plate chondrocytes. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992). Supplement 82(s392) : 50 -53 1993
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  • RUSSO, V, BUCHANAN, C, WERTHER, G. Distinct Mechanisms for IGF‐I Regulation of Differentiated Cell Growth and IGF Binding Protein Turnover in Cultured Rat Olfactory Bulbs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 692(1) : 308 -310 1993
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  • Werther, GA, Cheesman, H, Vincenzo, R. Olfactory bulb organ culture is supported by combined insulin-like growth factor-I and basic fibroblast growth factor. Brain Research 617(2) : 339 -342 1993
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  • Werther, GA, Haynes, K, Waters, MJ. Growth hormone (GH) receptors are expressed on human fetal mesenchymal tissues--identification of messenger ribonucleic acid and GH-binding protein.. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 76(6) : 1638 -1646 1993
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  • Oakes, SR, Haynes, KM, Waters, MJ, Herington, AC, Werther, GA. Demonstration and localization of growth hormone receptor in human skin and skin fibroblasts.. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 75(5) : 1368 -1373 1992
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