Hiscock, H, Pelly, R, Hua, X, West, S, Tucker, D, Raymundo, C, Dalziel, K.
Caregivers’ Evaluations of Paediatric Telehealth.
Australian Health Review
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Hall, T, Honisett, S, Paton, K, Loftus, H, Constable, L, Hiscock, H.
Prioritising Interventions for Preventing Mental Health Problems for Children Experiencing Adversity: a Modified Nominal Group Technique Australian Consensus Study.
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Hall, T, Pullen, S, Loveday, S, Loftus, H, Hiscock, H.
Co-designing a Child and Family Hub for family adversity in Australia: lessons learned.
International Journal of Integrated Care
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Group, C, Panel, CA, Al-Najjar, N, Bray, L, Carter, B, Collingwood, A, Cook, G, Crudgington, H, Dietz, KC, Gringras, P, et al.
Changing Agendas on Sleep, Treatment and Learning in Epilepsy (CASTLE) Sleep-E: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing an online behavioural sleep intervention with standard care in children with Rolandic epilepsy.
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Peyton, D, Wadley, G, Hackworth, N, Grobler, A, Hiscock, H.
A co-designed website (FindWays) to improve mental health literacy of parents of children with mental health problems: protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial.
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