Dimaguila, GL, Javed, M, Clothier, HJ, Hickman, J, Petrovic, D, Machingaifa, F, Kaufman, J, Habibabadi, SK, Palmer, C, Buttery, J.
Interdisciplinary Learning Health System Response to Public Vaccine Concerns..
Stud Health Technol Inform
1146 -1150
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Clothier, HJ, Parker, C, Mallard, JH, Effler, P, Bloomfield, L, Carcione, D, Buttery, JP.
Real world Nuvaxovid COVID-19 vaccine safety profile after 100,000 doses in Australia, 2022-2023.
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Clothier, H, Wolthuizen, M, Laemmle-Ruff, IL, Lewis, G, Radkowski, C, Buttery, J, Crawford, NW.
Pandemic Incident Management for Vaccine Safety Challenges: Victoria’s Alert Advisory Group Experience.
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Nguyen, TQ, Vlasenko, D, Shetty, AN, Reid, CM, Clothier, HJ, Buttery, JP.
Laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infection triggers for acute myocardial infarction and stroke: systematic review protocol.
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Sawires, R, Clothier, HJ, Burgner, D, Fahey, MC, Buttery, J.
Kawasaki Disease and Respiratory Viruses: An Ecological, Spatiotemporal Analysis (Preprint).
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
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