Kolliari-Turner, A, Lima, G, Wang, G, Malinsky, FR, Karanikolou, A, Eichhorn, G, Tanisawa, K, Ospina-Betancurt, J, Hamilton, B, Kumi, PYO, et al.
An observational human study investigating the effect of anabolic androgenic steroid use on the transcriptome of skeletal muscle and whole blood using RNA-Seq..
BMC Med Genomics
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Hamilton, BR, Lima, G, Barrett, J, Seal, L, Kolliari-Turner, A, Wang, G, Karanikolou, A, Bigard, X, Löllgen, H, Zupet, P, et al.
Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus Statement..
Sports Med
1401 -1415
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Hamilton, BR, Lima, G, Barrett, J, Seal, L, Kolliari-Turner, A, Wang, G, Karanikolou, A, Bigard, X, Löllgen, H, Zupet, P, et al.
Correction to: Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus Statement..
Sports Med
1417 -1418
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Seto, JT, Roeszler, KN, Meehan, LR, Wood, HD, Tiong, C, Bek, L, Lee, SF, Shah, M, Quinlan, KGR, Gregorevic, P, et al.
ACTN3 genotype influences skeletal muscle mass regulation and response to dexamethasone..
Sci Adv
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Hamilton, BR, Martinez-Patiño, MJ, Barrett, J, Seal, L, Tucker, R, Papadopoulou, T, Bigard, X, Kolliari-Turner, A, Löllgen, H, Zupet, P, et al.
Response to the United Nations Human Rights Council's Report on Race and Gender Discrimination in Sport: An Expression of Concern and a Call to Prioritise Research..
Sports Med
839 -842
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