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Role Group Leader/Princ Research Fellow
Research area Clinical Sciences

Top Publications

  • Fox, LM, Choo, P, Rogerson, SR, Spittle, AJ, Anderson, PJ, Doyle, L, Cheong, JLY. The relationship between ventricular size at 1 month and outcome at 2 years in infants less than 30 weeks’ gestation. Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition 99(3) : f209 2014
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  • Burnett, A, Davey, CG, Wood, SJ, Wilson-Ching, M, Molloy, C, Cheong, JLY, Doyle, LW, Anderson, PJ. Extremely preterm birth and adolescent mental health in a geographical cohort born in the 1990s. Psychological Medicine 44(7) : 1533 -1544 2014
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  • Cheong, JLY, Burnett, AC, Lee, KJ, Roberts, G, Thompson, DK, Wood, SJ, Connelly, A, Anderson, PJ, Doyle, LW, Group, VICS. Association between Postnatal Dexamethasone for Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Brain Volumes at Adolescence in Infants Born Very Preterm. The Journal of Pediatrics 164(4) : 737 -743.e1 2014
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  • Roberts, G, Cheong, JLY. Long-term growth and general health for the tiniest or most immature infants. Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 19(2) : 118 -124 2014
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  • Roberts, G, Lee, KJ, Cheong, JLY, Doyle, LW. Higher ambulatory blood pressure at 18 years in adolescents born less than 28 weeks’ gestation in the 1990s compared with term controls. Journal of Hypertension 32(3) : 620 -626 2014
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