Brettig, T, Koplin, J, McWilliam, V, Peters, R, Perrett, K.
A diagnostic algorithm using peanut SPT and Ara h 2 sIgE reduces number of OFCs and cost of peanut allergy diagnosis in a clinical setting: a cost comparison analysis..
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
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Parker, K, Wijesuriya, R, Dang, T, Soriano, V, Lowe, A, Dharmage, S, Loke, P, Koplin, J, Perrett, K, Peters, R.
Longitudinal peanut and Ara h 2 specific-IgE, -IgG4 and -IgG4/-IgE ratios are associated with the natural resolution of peanut allergy in childhood.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
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A, RPN, Krawiec, M, Koplin, J, Santos, A.
Update on Food Allergy.
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Brettig, T, Dalziel, K, Koplin, J, Dang, T, Lange, L, William, VM, Sato, S, Savvatianos, S, Perrett, K.
Ana o 3 sIgE and diagnostic algorithms reduce cost of cashew allergy diagnosis in children compared to skin prick test: a cost comparison analysis.
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William, VM, Koplin, J, Allen, K, Robinson, M, smart, J, Loke, P, Peters, R, Dang, T, Lee, K, Dalziel, K, et al.
TreEAT Trial: protocol for a randomised controlled trial investigating the efficacy and safety of early introduction of tree nuts for the prevention of tree nut allergy in infants with peanut allergy..
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