Mynard, J, Goldsmith, G, Eastaugh, L, Lane, G, Springall, G, Avolio, A, Smolich, J, Cheung, M.
P24 Brachial and Central Systolic Blood Pressures from Two Oscillometric Devices (Sphygmocor and Mobil-O-Graph) Overestimate High Fidelity Intra-Arterial Measurements in Children and Adolescents: Results of the Kidcorebp Study.
Artery Research
86 -87
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Mynard, J, Goldsmith, G, Kowalski, R, Eastaugh, L, Lane, G, Springall, G, Smolich, J, Avolio, A, Cheung, M.
P49 Quantifying Wave Reflection in Children: Invasive vs Non-Invasive Central Augmentation Index and Reflection Magnitude and Their Association with Left Ventricular Mass.
Artery Research
92 -92
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Mynard, J, Eastaugh, L, Lane, G, Goldsmith, G, Springall, G, Avolio, A, Smolich, J, Cheung, M.
P127 Spatial Variation of Reservoir Pressure in Children Assessed with High Fidelity Pressure Measurement in Five Aortic Locations.
Artery Research
116 -116
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Kondiboyina, A, Smolich, J, Cheung, M, Westerhof, B, Westerhof, N, Mynard, J.
2.5 Does Wave Reflection Protect the Microvasculature from High Pulse Pressure?.
Artery Research
70 -71
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Pagoulatou, S, Mynard, J, Bikia, V, Chirinos, J, Stergiopulos, N, Segers, P.
5.4 Age-Induced Increase in the Energy Transmitted Towards the Cerebral Circulation as a Contributor to Impaired Brain Function.
Artery Research
79 -79
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