photo of Katalina Bobowik

Katalina Bobowik

Katalina Bobowik


Role Population Genetics Specialist
Research area Genomic Medicine
As a member of the Population Analysis Team, Katalina is a Population Genetics Specialist at the Centre for Population Genomics (CPG). She uses skills in computational biology to assist with genomic data analysis within the Centre.
As a member of the Population Analysis Team, Katalina is a Population Genetics Specialist at the Centre for Population Genomics (CPG). She uses skills in computational biology to assist with genomic data analysis within the Centre.

Top Publications

  • Tanudisastro, HA, Cuomo, ASE, Weisburd, B, Welland, M, Spenceley, E, Franklin, M, Xue, A, Bowen, B, Wing, K, Tang, O, et al. Polymorphic tandem repeats shape single-cell gene expression across the immune landscape. 2024
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