MacArthur, DG, Seto, JT, Chan, S, Quinlan, KGR, Raftery, JM, Turner, N, Nicholson, MD, Kee, AJ, Hardeman, EC, Gunning, PW, et al.
An Actn3 knockout mouse provides mechanistic insights into the association between alpha-actinin-3 deficiency and human athletic performance..
Hum Mol Genet
1076 -1086
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Clarke, NF, Kolski, H, Dye, DE, Lim, E, Smith, RLL, Patel, R, Fahey, MC, Bellance, R, Romero, NB, Johnson, ES, et al.
Mutations in TPM3 are a common cause of congenital fiber type disproportion..
Ann Neurol
329 -337
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Young, HK, Barton, BA, Waisbren, S, Portales Dale, L, Ryan, MM, Webster, RI, North, KN.
Cognitive and psychological profile of males with Becker muscular dystrophy..
J Child Neurol
155 -162
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Rose, K, Burns, J, Wheeler, DM, North, K.
Interventions for increasing ankle range of motion in patients with neuromuscular disease.
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Lo, HP, Cooper, ST, Evesson, FJ, Seto, JT, Chiotis, M, Tay, V, Compton, AG, Cairns, AG, Corbett, A, MacArthur, DG, et al.
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy: diagnostic evaluation, frequency and clues to pathogenesis..
Neuromuscul Disord
34 -44
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