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Role Honorary Fellow Manager
Research area Clinical Sciences

Top Publications

  • May, T, Pang, KC, O'Connell, MA, Williams, K. Typical Pubertal Timing in an Australian Population of Girls and Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder.. J Autism Dev Disord 47(12) : 3983 -3993 2017
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  • Meehan, E, Williams, K, Reid, SM, Freed, GL, Babl, FE, Sewell, JR, Vidmar, S, Donath, S, Reddihough, DS. Comparing emergency department presentations among children with cerebral palsy with general childhood presentations: a data linkage study.. Dev Med Child Neurol 59(11) : 1188 -1195 2017
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  • Davis, E, Reddihough, D, Murphy, N, Epstein, A, Reid, SM, Whitehouse, A, Williams, K, Leonard, H, Downs, J. Exploring quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and intellectual disability: What are the important domains of life?. Child Care Health Dev 43(6) : 854 -860 2017
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  • Amor, DJ, Lewis, S, Kennedy, J, Habgood, E, McBain, J, McLachlan, RI, Rombauts, LJ, Williams, K, Halliday, J. Health outcomes of school-aged children conceived using donor sperm.. Reprod Biomed Online 35(4) : 445 -452 2017
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  • Eapen, V, Walter, A, Guan, J, Descallar, J, Axelsson, E, Einfeld, S, Eastwood, J, Murphy, E, Beasley, D, Silove, N, et al. Maternal help-seeking for child developmental concerns: Associations with socio-demographic factors.. J Paediatr Child Health 53(10) : 963 -969 2017
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