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Role Honorary Fellow Manager
Research area Clinical Sciences

Top Publications

  • Chandra, M, Jalaludin, B, Woolfenden, S, Descallar, J, Nicholls, L, Dissanayake, C, Williams, K, Murphy, E, Walter, A, Eastwood, J, et al. Screen time of infants in Sydney, Australia: a birth cohort study.. BMJ Open 6(10) : e012342 2016
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  • Woolfenden, S, Eapen, V, Jalaludin, B, Hayen, A, Kemp, L, Dissanyake, C, Hendry, A, Axelsson, E, Overs, B, Eastwood, J, et al. Prevalence and factors associated with parental concerns about development detected by the Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) at 6-month, 12-month and 18-month well-child checks in a birth cohort.. BMJ Open 6(9) : e012144 2016
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  • Taylor, LJ, Eapen, V, Maybery, MT, Midford, S, Paynter, J, Quarmby, L, Smith, T, Williams, K, Whitehouse, AJO. Diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorder: a survey of health professionals in Australia.. BMJ Open 6(9) : e012517 2016
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  • Zwi, K, Rungan, S, Woolfenden, S, Williams, K, Woodland, L. Methods for a longitudinal cohort of refugee children in a regional community in Australia.. BMJ Open 6(8) : e011387 2016
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  • Taghizadeh, N, Davidson, A, Williams, K, Story, D. Reply to Snow et al. regarding their comment 'A call to solve the puzzle together by building an evidence base for perioperative management of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).. Paediatr Anaesth 26(8) : 854 -855 2016
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