O'Loughlin, R, Jones, R, Chen, G, Mulhern, B, Hiscock, H, Devlin, N, Dalziel, K, Quality Of Life in Kids: Key evidence to strengthen decisions in Australia (QUOKKA) project team.
Comparing the Psychometric Performance of Generic Paediatric Health-Related Quality of Life Instruments in Children and Adolescents with ADHD, Anxiety and/or Depression..
42(Suppl 1)
57 -77
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Mpundu-Kaambwa, C, Bulamu, NB, Lines, L, Chen, G, Whitehurst, DGT, Dalziel, K, Devlin, N, Ratcliffe, J, Quality of Life in Kids: Key Evidence for Decision Makers in Australia (QUOKKA) project team.
Exploring the Use of Pictorial Approaches in the Development of Paediatric Patient-Reported Outcome Instruments: A Systematic Review..
42(Suppl 1)
9 -37
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O'Loughlin, R, Jones, R, Chen, G, Mulhern, B, Hiscock, H, Devlin, N, Dalziel, K, Quality Of Life in Kids: Key evidence to strengthen decisions in Australia (QUOKKA) Project Team.
Correction: Comparing the Psychometric Performance of Generic Paediatric Health‑Related Quality of Life Instruments in Children and Adolescents with ADHD, Anxiety and/or Depression..
42(Suppl 1)
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Bahrampour, M, Devlin, N, Jones, R, Dalziel, K, Mulhern, B, On behalf of the QUOKKA (Quality of Life in Kids: Key Evidence for Decision Makers in Australia) Team.
A Comparison of the Psychometric Properties of the EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L Using Paediatric Multi-Instrument Comparison (P-MIC) Study Data..
42(Suppl 1)
95 -111
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Bahrampour, M, Jones, R, Dalziel, K, Devlin, N, Mulhern, B, QUOKKA (Quality of Life in Kids: Key Evidence for Decision Makers in Australia) Team.
Comparing Generic Paediatric Health-Related Quality-of-Life Instruments: A Dimensionality Assessment Using Factor Analysis..
42(Suppl 1)
81 -94
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