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Role Honorary Fellow Manager
Group Hormone Research

Top Publications

  • Zacharin, M. Current advances in bone health of disabled children. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 16(5) : 545 -551 2004
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  • McDonnell, CM, Benn, DE, Marsh, DJ, Robinson, BG, Zacharin, MR. K40E: a novel succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)B mutation causing familial phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Clinical Endocrinology 61(4) : 510 -514 2004
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  • Saadah, OI, Zacharin, M, O’Callaghan, A, Oliver, MR, Catto-Smith, AG. Effect of gluten-free diet and adherence on growth and diabetic control in diabetics with coeliac disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood 89(9) : 871 2004
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  • Greaves, R, Kanumakala, S, Read, A, Zacharin, M. Genital abnormalities mimicking congenital adrenal hyperplasia in premature infants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 40(4) : 233 -236 2004
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  • Pedreira, CC, Savarirayan, R, Zacharin, MR. IMAGe syndrome: a complex disorder affecting growth, adrenal and gonadal function, and skeletal development. The Journal of Pediatrics 144(2) : 274 -277 2004
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