Professor Martin Delatycki is a co-director of the Bruce Lefroy Centre at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and a clinical geneticist at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services (VCGS). Martin studied medicine at the University of Melbourne and trained in paediatrics at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).
Martin subsequently trained in Clinical Genetics at VCGS and then obtained his PhD for work on Friedreich ataxia through the MCRI. His research and clinical interests are neurogenetics and community genetics. Martin has over 250 publications and has obtained over $5 million in research funding.
Professor Martin Delatycki is a co-director of the Bruce Lefroy Centre at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and a clinical geneticist at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services (VCGS). Martin studied medicine at the University of...
Professor Martin Delatycki is a co-director of the Bruce Lefroy Centre at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) and a clinical geneticist at the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services (VCGS). Martin studied medicine at the University of Melbourne and trained in paediatrics at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH).
Martin subsequently trained in Clinical Genetics at VCGS and then obtained his PhD for work on Friedreich ataxia through the MCRI. His research and clinical interests are neurogenetics and community genetics. Martin has over 250 publications and has obtained over $5 million in research funding.
Top Publications
Ngo, T, Nguyen, DC, Pathirana, PN, Corben, LA, Delatycki, MB, Horne, M, Szmulewicz, DJ, Roberts, M.
Federated Deep Learning for the Diagnosis of Cerebellar Ataxia: Privacy Preservation and Auto-Crafted Feature Extractor..
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng
803 -811
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Righetti, S, Allcock, RJN, Yaplito-Lee, J, Adams, L, Ellaway, C, Jones, KJ, Selvanathan, A, Fletcher, J, Pitt, J, van Kuilenburg, ABP, et al.
The relationship between beta-ureidopropionase deficiency due to UPB1 variants and human phenotypes is uncertain..
Mol Genet Metab
62 -67
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Rodden, LN, Rummey, C, Dong, YN, Lagedrost, S, Regner, S, Brocht, A, Bushara, K, Delatycki, MB, Gomez, CM, Mathews, K, et al.
A non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in SIRT6 predicts neurological severity in Friedreich ataxia..
Front Mol Biosci
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Georgiou-Karistianis, N, Corben, LA, Reetz, K, Adanyeguh, IM, Corti, M, Deelchand, DK, Delatycki, MB, Dogan, I, Evans, R, Farmer, J, et al.
A natural history study to track brain and spinal cord changes in individuals with Friedreich's ataxia: TRACK-FA study protocol..
PLoS One
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Patel, M, McCormick, A, Tamaroff, J, Dunn, J, Mitchell, JA, Lin, KY, Farmer, J, Rummey, C, Perlman, SL, Delatycki, MB, et al.
Body Mass Index and Height in the Friedreich Ataxia Clinical Outcome Measures Study..
Neurol Genet
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