Matricciani, L, Fraysse, F, Grobler, AC, Muller, J, Wake, M, Olds, T.
Sleep: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
127 -135
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Welsh, L, Kathriachchige, G, Raheem, T, Grobler, AC, Wake, M, Ranganathan, S.
Lung function: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
53 -62
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Fraysse, F, Grobler, AC, Muller, J, Wake, M, Olds, T.
Physical activity and sedentary activity: population epidemiology and concordance in Australian children aged 11-12 years and their parents..
BMJ Open
9(Suppl 3)
136 -146
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Wang, J, Sung, V, Carew, P, Burt, RA, Liu, M, Wang, Y, Afandi, A, Wake, M.
Prevalence of Childhood Hearing Loss and Secular Trends: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis..
Acad Pediatr
504 -514
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Nguyen, MT, Vryer, R, Ranganathan, S, Lycett, K, Grobler, A, Dwyer, T, Juonala, M, Saffery, R, Burgner, D, Wake, M.
Telomere Length and Vascular Phenotypes in a Population-Based Cohort of Children and Midlife Adults..
J Am Heart Assoc
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