Callander, EJ, Bull, C, Lain, S, Wakefield, CE, Lingam, R, Marshall, GM, Wake, M, Nassar, N.
Inequality in early childhood chronic health conditions requiring hospitalisation: A data linkage study of health service utilisation and costs..
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol
156 -166
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Dumuid, D, Olds, T, Wake, M, Lund Rasmussen, C, Pedišić, Ž, Hughes, JH, Foster, DJ, Walmsley, R, Atkin, AJ, Straker, L, et al.
Your best day: An interactive app to translate how time reallocations within a 24-hour day are associated with health measures..
PLoS One
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Wang, Y, Crowe, M, Knibbs, LD, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M, Mygind, L, Kerr, JA, Wake, M, Olsson, C, Enticott, PG, Peters, RL, et al.
Greenness Modifies the Risk Association between Ambient Air Pollution and Cognitive Function in Australian Adolescents, But Not in Mid-Life Adults.
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Olds, T, Dumuid, D, Wake, M.
Goldilocks Days.
245 -254
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Wang, J, Hu, YJ, Clifford, S, Goldfeld, S, Wake, M.
Selecting life course frameworks to guide and communicate large new cohort studies: Generation Victoria (GenV) case study..
J Dev Orig Health Dis
829 -848
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