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Brain Behav Immun
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Gao, Y, Stokholm, J, O'Hely, M, Ponsonby, A-L, Tang, MLK, Ranganathan, S, Saffery, R, Harrison, LC, Collier, F, Gray, L, et al.
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J Allergy Clin Immunol
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Chang, C-L, Ali, GB, Pham, J, Dharmage, SC, Lodge, CJ, Tang, MLK, Lowe, AJ.
Childhood body mass index trajectories and asthma and allergies: A systematic review..
Clin Exp Allergy
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Peters, RL, Soriano, VX, Lycett, K, Flynn, C, Idrose, NS, Tang, MLK, Wijesuriya, R, Allen, KJ, Ranganathan, S, Lowe, AJ, et al.
Infant food allergy phenotypes and association with lung function deficits and asthma at age 6 years: a population-based, prospective cohort study in Australia..
Lancet Child Adolesc Health
636 -647
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Shanthikumar, S, Chen, K, Soriano, VX, Nguyen, L, Koplin, JJ, Tang, MLK, Lowe, AJ, Lodge, CJ, Idrose, NS, Ranganathan, S, et al.
Comparing definitions of bronchodilator response in a population-based cohort of 6-year-old children..
Pediatr Pulmonol
2411 -2414
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