Ismail, IH, Boyle, RJ, Mah, L-J, Licciardi, PV, Tang, MLK.
Reduced neonatal regulatory T cell response to microbial stimuli associates with subsequent eczema in high-risk infants..
Pediatr Allergy Immunol
674 -684
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Royce, SG, Lim, CXF, Patel, KP, Wang, B, Samuel, CS, Tang, MLK.
Intranasally administered serelaxin abrogates airway remodelling and attenuates airway hyperresponsiveness in allergic airways disease..
Clin Exp Allergy
1399 -1408
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Suaini, NHA, Koplin, JJ, Ellis, JA, Peters, RL, Ponsonby, A-L, Dharmage, SC, Matheson, MC, Wake, M, Panjari, M, Tan, H-TT, et al.
Environmental and genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency in 12-month-old infants..
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol
144 Pt B:
445 -454
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Tan, H-TT, Ellis, JA, Koplin, JJ, Martino, D, Dang, TD, Suaini, N, Saffery, R, Allen, KJ, HealthNuts Study Investigators.
Methylation of the filaggrin gene promoter does not affect gene expression and allergy..
Pediatr Allergy Immunol
608 -610
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Robinson, MN, Dharmage, SC, Tang, MLK.
Comparison of adrenaline auto-injector devices: ease of use and ability to recall use..
Pediatr Allergy Immunol
462 -467
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