Licciardi, P, Wurzel, D, Neeland, M, Anderson, J, Abo, Y-N, Do, LAH, Donato, C, Bines, J, Toh, ZQ, Higgins, R, et al.
Immune Responses in an Infant with Congenital Heart Disease and Severe COVID-19.
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Williams, P, Koirala, A, Saravanos, G, Lopez, L, Glover, C, Sharma, K, Williams, T, Carey, E, Shaw, N, Dickins, E, et al.
COVID-19 in children in NSW, Australia, during the 2021 Delta outbreak: Severity and Disease spectrum.
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F, JDL, Awad, A, Vogrin, S, P, AD, Lutjen, A, F, SG, Crawford, N, Barnes, S, Trubiano, J.
Safety of COVID-19 vaccine challenge in patients with immediate adverse reactions to prior doses - A multicentre cohort study.
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Toh, ZQ, Mazarakis, N, Nguyen, J, Higgins, RA, Anderson, J, Ha, LA, Burgner, DP, Curtis, N, Steer, AC, Mulholland, K, et al.
Comparison of antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 variants in Australian children.
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Tosif, S, Lee, L-Y, Nguyen, J, Selman, C, Grobler, AC, McMinn, A, Steer, A, Daley, A, Crawford, N.
Less invasive SARS-CoV-2 testing for children: A comparison of saliva and a novel Anterior Nasal Swab.
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