Phuong, LK, Cheung, A, Templeton, T, Abebe, T, Ademi, Z, Buttery, J, Clark, J, Cole, T, Curtis, N, Dobinson, H, et al.
Epidemiology of childhood invasive pneumococcal disease in Australia: a prospective cohort study..
Arch Dis Child
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Hikmat, S, Boast, A, Curtis, N, Gwee, A.
Efficacy and tolerability of high-dose cefalexin 45 mg/kg/dose (maximum 1.5 g) three times daily in children with bone and joint infections..
J Antimicrob Chemother
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Boast, A, Zhang, W, Soeorg, H, Gonis, G, Di Carlo, A, Daley, A, Curtis, N, McWhinney, B, Ungerer, JPJ, Lei, A, et al.
Population pharmacokinetic modeling of ceftriaxone in cerebrospinal fluid in children: should we be using once- or twice-daily dosing for meningitis?.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother
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McDonald, E, Pittet, LF, Barry, SE, Bonten, M, Campbell, J, Croda, J, Croda, MG, Dalcolmo, MP, Davidson, A, de Almeida E Val, FF, et al.
Antecedent and persistent symptoms in COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses: Insights from prospectively collected data in the BRACE trial..
J Infect
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O'Leary, C, Pittet, LF, Beaumont, R, Constable, L, Daley, A, Hodge, I, Jacobs, SE, King, A, Tan, C, Curtis, N, et al.
Predictive performance of cerebrospinal fluid parameters for diagnosis of meningitis in infants: a cohort study..
Arch Dis Child
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