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Role Honorary Fellow
Research area Stem Cell Medicine

Top Publications

  • Terry, RL, Meyran, D, Ziegler, DS, Haber, M, Ekert, PG, Trapani, JA, Neeson, PJ. Immune profiling of pediatric solid tumors. Journal of Clinical Investigation 130(7) : 3391 -3402 2020
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  • Moujalled, DM, Hanna, DT, Hediyeh-zadeh, S, Pomilio, G, Brown, L, Litalien, V, Bartolo, R, Fleming, S, Chanrion, M, Banquet, S, et al. Cotargeting BCL-2 and MCL-1 in high-risk B-ALL. Blood Advances 4(12) : 2762 -2767 2020
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  • Smith, KM, O Haire, S, Khuong-Quang, DA, Markman, B, Gan, HK, Ekert, PG, O'Byrne, KJ, Millward, M, Solomon, BJ, Tran, B, et al. Evaluating barriers to uptake of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) in advanced cancer patients (pts).. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38(15_suppl) : 2033 -2033 2020
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  • Brown, LM, Lonsdale, A, Zhu, A, Davidson, NM, Schmidt, B, Hawkins, A, Wallach, E, Martin, M, Mechinaud, FM, Khaw, SL, et al. The application of RNA sequencing for the diagnosis and genomic classification of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Advances 4(5) : 930 -942 2020
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  • Ekert, P, Project, TZCC. Signalling in high-risk paediatric cancers – Genomic insights driving therapeutic possibilities. Pathology 52: s31 2020
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