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Role Honorary Fellow
Research area Stem Cell Medicine

Top Publications

  • Hassannia, B, Wiernicki, B, Ingold, I, Qu, F, Van Herck, S, Tyurina, YY, Bayır, H, Abhari, BA, Angeli, JPF, Choi, SM, et al. Nano-targeted induction of dual ferroptotic mechanisms eradicates high-risk neuroblastoma. Journal of Clinical Investigation 128(8) : 3341 -3355 2018
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  • Salmon, J, Pomilio, G, Moujalled, D, MacRaild, S, Teh, C, Rijal, S, Ivey, A, Teh, TC, Ekert, P, Schoumacher, M, et al. 3155 Combined BCL-2 and HDAC Targeting Has Potent and TP53 Independent Activity In AML. Experimental Hematology 64: s99 -s100 2018
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  • Schmidt, BM, Davidson, NM, Hawkins, ADK, Bartolo, R, Majewski, IJ, Ekert, PG, Oshlack, A. Clinker: visualizing fusion genes detected in RNA-seq data. GigaScience 7(7) : giy079 2018
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  • Lee, B, Tran, B, Hsu, AL, Taylor, GR, Fox, SB, Fellowes, A, Marquis, R, Mooi, J, Desai, J, Doig, K, et al. Exploring the feasibility and utility of exome‐scale tumour sequencing in a clinical setting. Internal Medicine Journal 48(7) : 786 -794 2018
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  • Ziegler, D, Tsoli, M, Tyrell, V, Cohn, R, Lau, L, Cox, M, Cowley, M, Ekert, P, Marshall, G, Haber, M. EAPH-09. POTENT CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO LAROTRECTINIB IN FIRST CASE OF TRK FUSION HIGH GRADE GLIOMA. Neuro-Oncology 20(suppl_2) : i67 -i67 2018
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