Cooklin, AR, Giallo, R, Bennetts, SK, Crawford, S, D’Esposito, F, Zubrick, SR, Hackworth, NJ, Matthews, J, Green, J, Nicholson, JM.
Parental Fear about Children’s Safety When Independently Mobile: Development and Validation of Two Measures.
Journal of Child and Family Studies
2246 -2256
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Cook, F, Conway, LJ, Giallo, R, Gartland, D, Sciberras, E, Brown, S.
Infant sleep and child mental health: a longitudinal investigation..
Arch Dis Child
655 -660
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Rushton, S, Giallo, R, Efron, D.
ADHD and emotional engagement with school in the primary years: Investigating the role of student-teacher relationships..
Br J Educ Psychol
90 Suppl 1:
193 -209
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Seymour, M, Giallo, R, Wood, CE.
Perceptions of social support: comparisons between fathers of children with autism spectrum disorder and fathers of children without developmental disabilities..
J Intellect Disabil Res
414 -425
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Fogarty, A, Giallo, R, Wood, C, Kaufman, J, Brown, S.
Emotional-behavioral resilience and competence in preschool children exposed and not exposed to intimate partner violence in early life.
International Journal of Behavioral Development
97 -106
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