Jones, R, Hiscock, H, Shanthikumar, S, Lei, S, Sanci, L, Chen, K.
Exploring gaps and opportunities in primary care following an asthma hospital admission: a multisite mixed-methods study of three data sources..
Arch Dis Child
385 -391
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Chen, KY, Chu, W, Jones, R, Vuillermin, P, Fuller, D, Tran, D, Sanci, L, Shanthikumar, S, Carlin, J, Hiscock, H.
Modifiable factors associated with pediatric asthma readmissions: a multi-center linked cohort study..
J Asthma
708 -717
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Jones, R, Mulhern, B, Davlin, N, Dalziel, K.
Finding out the best way to measure paediatric health-related quality of life to ensure we are providing the best possible pharmaceuticals, technologies, and health services to our children in the future: An Australian paediatric multi-instrument comparison (P-MIC) study protocol and initial results..
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Ride, J, Cameron, L, Jones, R, Dalziel, K, Wurzel, D, Kao, K-T, Freeman, JL, Hiscock, H.
Preferences of parents for mental health services to suit children with chronic medical conditions..
Aust Health Rev
722 -730
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Bahrampour, M, Jones, R, Devlin, N, Dalziel, K, Mulhern, B.
What Does the EQ-5D-Y-5L Measure in Comparison to Other Generic Paediatric Health Related Quality of Life Instruments?.
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