Kinner, SA, Borschmann, R.
Polysocial Risk Scores for Assessing Social Determinants of Health..
1680 -1681
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Haagsma, JA, James, SL, Castle, CD, Dingels, ZV, Fox, JT, Hamilton, EB, Liu, Z, Lucchesi, LR, Roberts, NLS, Sylte, DO, et al.
Burden of injury along the development spectrum: associations between the Socio-demographic Index and disability-adjusted life year estimates from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017..
Inj Prev
26(Supp 1)
i12 -i26
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Borschmann, R, Dos Santos, MM, Young, JT, Andreoli, SB, Love, AD, Kinner, SA.
Health, social and criminal justice factors associated with dual diagnosis among incarcerated adults in Brazil and Australia: a cross-national comparison..
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol
1355 -1362
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Young, JT, Borschmann, R, Heffernan, E, Spittal, MJ, Brophy, L, Ogloff, JRP, Moran, P, Armstrong, G, Preen, DB, Kinner, SA.
Contact with Mental Health Services After Acute Care for Self-Harm Among Adults Released from Prison: A Prospective Data Linkage Study..
Suicide Life Threat Behav
990 -1006
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James, SL, Castle, CD, Dingels, ZV, Fox, JT, Hamilton, EB, Liu, Z, Roberts, NLS, Sylte, DO, Bertolacci, GJ, Cunningham, M, et al.
Estimating global injuries morbidity and mortality: methods and data used in the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study..
Inj Prev
26(Supp 1)
i125 -i153
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