Fitzpatrick, M, Andersen, T, Bush, J, Greaves, RF, Woollard, G, Hoad, K, Collie, JTB, Browning, S, Harrower, T, Graham, P, et al.
Quality assurance programs for vitamin A and E in serum: are we doing enough to assess laboratory performance?.
Clin Chem Lab Med
288 -292
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Loh, TP, Cooke, BR, Tran, TCM, Markus, C, Zakaria, R, Ho, CS, Theodorsson, E, Greaves, RF, IFCC Working Group on Method Evaluation Protocols (WG-MEP).
The LEAP checklist for laboratory evaluation and analytical performance characteristics reporting of clinical measurement procedures..
Ann Clin Biochem
3 -7
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Turrell, G, Thrimawithana, T, Itsiopoulos, C, Greaves, RF, Zakaria, R.
Method validation for a greener approach to the quantification of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 in patient serum using supported liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry..
Clin Chem Lab Med
e255 -e258
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Greaves, R, Kricka, L, Gruson, D, Ferrari, M, Martin, H, Loh, TP, Bernardini, S, IFCC Emerging Technologies Division.
Toolkit for emerging technologies in laboratory medicine..
Clin Chem Lab Med
2102 -2114
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Loh, TP, Cooke, BR, Tran, TCM, Markus, C, Zakaria, R, Ho, CS, Theodorsson, E, Greaves, RF, IFCC Working Group on Method Evaluation Protocols WG-MEP.
The LEAP checklist for Laboratory Evaluation and Analytical Performance characteristics reporting of clinical measurement procedures..
Clin Chim Acta
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