Tran, MTC, Baglin, J, Tran, TTT, Hoang, KT, Phung, LT, Read, A, Greaves, RF.
Development of a new biochemical test to diagnose and monitor neuroblastoma in Vietnam: homovanillic and vanillylmandelic acid by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry..
Clin Biochem
206 -215
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Albahrani, AA, Rotarou, V, Roche, PJ, Greaves, RF.
Comparison of three commercial calibrators for alpha-tocopherol using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry..
Clin Biochem
1884 -1888
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Hoad, KE, Johnson, LA, Woollard, GA, Walmsley, TA, Briscoe, S, Jolly, LM, Gill, JP, Greaves, RF.
Vitamin B1 and B6 method harmonization: comparison of performance between laboratories enrolled in the RCPA Quality Assurance Program..
Clin Biochem
772 -776
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Greaves, RF.
A guide to harmonisation and standardisation of measurands determined by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry in routine clinical biochemistry..
Clin Biochem Rev
123 -132
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Greaves, RF, Hoad, KE, Woollard, GA, Walmsley, TA, Briscoe, S, Johnson, LA, Carter, WD, Gill, JP.
External quality assurance target setting with NIST SRM 968d material: performance in the 2010 Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Program with retinol, α-tocopherol and β-carotene..
Ann Clin Biochem
48(Pt 5)
480 -482
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