Netea, SA, Messina, NL, Gardiner, K, Pittet, LF, Curtis, N, MIS BAIR trial consortium.
Inappropriate prescribing contributes to high antibiotic exposure in young children in Australia..
J Antimicrob Chemother
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Manning, J, Manna, S, Dunne, EM, Bongcaron, V, Pell, CL, Patterson, NL, Kuil, SD, Dhar, P, Goldblatt, D, Kim Mulholland, E, et al.
Immunization with a whole cell vaccine reduces pneumococcal nasopharyngeal density and shedding, and middle ear infection in mice..
1714 -1722
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Robins-Browne, RM, Rabson, AR, Koornhof, HJ.
Yersinia Enterocolitica In South Africa.
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Ingle, DJ, Levine, MM, Kotloff, KL, Holt, KE, Robins-Browne, RM.
Drivers of antimicrobial resistance amongst intestinal Escherichia coli isolated from children in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
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Ingle, DJ, Valcanis, M, Kuzevski, A, Tauschek, M, Inouye, M, Stinear, T, Levine, MM, Robins-Browne, RM, Holt, KE.
EcOH: In silico serotyping of E. coli from short read data.
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