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Kosasih, HJ, Davidson, NM, Bjelosevic, S, Morrish, E, Brennan, MS, Oshlack, A, Johnstone, RW, Brumatti, G, Khaw, SL, Ekert, PG.
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Blood Adv
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Moujalled, DM, Hanna, DT, Hediyeh-Zadeh, S, Pomilio, G, Brown, L, Litalien, V, Bartolo, R, Fleming, S, Chanrion, M, Banquet, S, et al.
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Goldsmith, KC, Verschuur, A, Morgenstern, DA, van Eijkelenburg, N, Federico, SM, Fraser, C, Forlenza, CJ, Ziegler, DS, Gerber, NU, Khaw, SL, et al.
The first report of pediatric patients with solid tumors treated with venetoclax..
Journal of Clinical Oncology
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Brown, LM, Lonsdale, A, Zhu, A, Davidson, NM, Schmidt, B, Hawkins, A, Wallach, E, Martin, M, Mechinaud, FM, Khaw, SL, et al.
The application of RNA sequencing for the diagnosis and genomic classification of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia..
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