Shingles, B, Sinclair, C, Weadman, T, Poed, S, Snow, P, Eadie, T, Connell, J, Goldfeld, S, Quach, J.
An implementation case study for the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach for oral language and reading instruction in the early years of primary school.
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties
97 -115
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Newham, JJ, McLean, K, Ginja, S, Hurt, L, Molloy, C, Lingam, R, Goldfeld, S.
Brief Evidence-Based Interventions for Universal Child Health Services: a restricted evidence assessment of the literature.
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Woolfenden, S, Galea, C, Badland, H, Smithers-Sheedy, H, Williams, K, Kavanagh, A, Reddihough, D, Goldfeld, S, Lingam, R, Badawi, N, et al.
The intersection of developmental vulnerability and socioeconomic disadvantage on access to health care for preschool aged children: evidence for the inverse-care law.
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Newham, JJ, McLean, K, Ginja, S, Hurt, L, Molloy, C, Lingam, R, Goldfeld, S.
Brief Evidence-Based Interventions for Universal Child Health Services: a restricted evidence assessment of the literature.
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Newham, JJ, McLean, K, Ginja, S, Hurt, L, Molloy, C, Lingam, R, Goldfeld, S.
Brief Evidence-Based Interventions for Universal Child Health Services: a restricted evidence assessment of the literature.
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