Gasparini, L, Shepherd, D, Bavin, EL, Eadie, P, Reilly, S, Morgan, A, Wake, M.
Using machine-learning methods to identify early-life predictors of 11-year language outcome.
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Hill, E, Calder, S, Candy, C, Truscott, G, Kaur, J, Savage, B, Reilly, S.
Low language capacity in childhood: A systematic review of prevalence estimates..
Int J Lang Commun Disord
124 -142
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Jones, LI, Krahe, MA, Giesberts, A, Downes, M, Ware, RS, Reilly, S.
A global perspective of the prevalence of low language in children: a scoping review and evidence and gap map protocol.
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Larequi, Y, Brushe, ME, Haag, DG, Melhuish, EC, Reilly, S, Gregory, T.
Temps passé devant un écran et discussions entre parents et enfants lorsque les enfants sont âgés de 12 à 36 mois.
Mains Libres
138 -139
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Brushe, M, Mittinty, M, Haag, D, Reilly, S, Melhuish, E, Gregory, T, Lynch, J, Brinkman, S.
The causal effect of parent-child interactions on children’s language development at 3 and 4 years.
Population Medicine
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