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Neuronal Galectin-4 is required for axon growth and for the organization of axonal membrane L1 delivery and clustering..
J Neurochem
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Sbroggiò, M, Bertero, A, Velasco, S, Fusella, F, De Blasio, E, Bahou, WF, Silengo, L, Turco, E, Brancaccio, M, Tarone, G.
ERK1/2 activation in heart is controlled by melusin, focal adhesion kinase and the scaffold protein IQGAP1..
J Cell Sci
124(Pt 20)
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Ferretti, R, Palumbo, V, Di Savino, A, Velasco, S, Sbroggiò, M, Sportoletti, P, Micale, L, Turco, E, Silengo, L, Palumbo, G, et al.
Morgana/chp-1, a ROCK inhibitor involved in centrosome duplication and tumorigenesis..
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486 -495
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Díez-Revuelta, N, Velasco, S, André, S, Kaltner, H, Kübler, D, Gabius, H-J, Abad-Rodríguez, J.
Phosphorylation of adhesion- and growth-regulatory human galectin-3 leads to the induction of axonal branching by local membrane L1 and ERM redistribution..
J Cell Sci
123(Pt 5)
671 -681
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Salvatore, A, Cigliano, L, Bucci, EM, Corpillo, D, Velasco, S, Carlucci, A, Pedone, C, Abrescia, P.
Haptoglobin binding to apolipoprotein A-I prevents damage from hydroxyl radicals on its stimulatory activity of the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acyl-transferase..
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