Pfeiffer, H, Borland, M, Phillips, N, Kochar, A, Dalton, S, Cheek, J, Gilhotra, Y, Furyk, J, Neutze, J, Bressan, S, et al.
G298(P) Paediatric intentional head injuriesin the emergency department. A predict multicentre prospective cohort study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood
102(Suppl 1)
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Babl, F, Borland, M, Phillips, N, Kochar, A, Dalton, S, Cheek, J, Gilhotra, Y, Furyk, J, Neutze, J, Bressan, S, et al.
G292(P) Diagnostic accuracy of the nexus II head injury clinical decision rule in children. A predict prospective cohort study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood
102(Suppl 1)
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Crowe, L, Lyttle, Hearps, S, Anderson, V, Borland, M, Phillips, N, Kochar, A, Dalton, S, Cheek, J, Gilhotra, Y, et al.
G293(P) Defining mild traumatic brain injury: How classification differs across studies when applied to a large prospective data set. a predict prospective cohort study.
Archives of Disease in Childhood
102(Suppl 1)
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Catroppa, C, Hearps, S, Crossley, L, Yeates, K, Beauchamp, M, Fusella, J, Anderson, V.
Social and Behavioral Outcomes following Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury: What Predicts Outcome at 12 Months Post-Insult?.
J Neurotrauma
1439 -1447
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Ryan, NP, Mihaljevic, K, Beauchamp, MH, Catroppa, C, Crossley, L, Hearps, S, Silk, T, Godfrey, C, Yeates, KO, Anderson, VA.
Examining the Prospective Relationship between Family Affective Responsiveness and Theory of Mind in Chronic Paediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
Brain Impairment
88 -101
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