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Mild traumatic brain injury in children with ventricular shunts: a PREDICT study..
J Neurosurg Pediatr
196 -202
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Wilson, CL, Hearps, SJ, Tavender, EJ, Phillips, NT, Lawton, B, Kinnear, F, Beattie, A, Mitenko, H, Young, R, Cole, J, et al.
Factors predictive for computed tomography use and abnormality in paediatric head injuries in Australia and New Zealand..
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157 -160
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Ryan, NP, Anderson, VA, Bigler, ED, Dennis, M, Taylor, HG, Rubin, KH, Vannatta, K, Gerhardt, CA, Stancin, T, Beauchamp, MH, et al.
Delineating the Nature and Correlates of Social Dysfunction after Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury Using Common Data Elements: Evidence from an International Multi-Cohort Study..
J Neurotrauma
252 -260
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Hiscock, H, Ng, O, Crossley, L, Chow, J, Rausa, V, Hearps, S.
Sleep Well Be Well: Pilot of a digital intervention to improve child behavioural sleep problems..
J Paediatr Child Health
33 -40
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Graj, E, Muscara, F, Anderson, V, Hearps, S, McCarthy, M.
Quality of life in parents of seriously Ill/injured children: a prospective longitudinal study..
Qual Life Res
193 -202
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