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Role Group Leader / Honorary Fellow Manager
Professor Suzanne Garland is the Group Leader of the Molecular Microbiology group at MCRI.
Professor Suzanne Garland is the Group Leader of the Molecular Microbiology group at MCRI.

Top Publications

  • Chow, EPF, Tabrizi, SN, Fairley, CK, Wigan, R, Machalek, DA, Garland, SM, Cornall, AM, Atchison, S, Hocking, JS, Bradshaw, CS, et al. Prevalence of human papillomavirus in young men who have sex with men after the implementation of gender-neutral HPV vaccination: a repeated cross-sectional study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 21(10) : 1448 -1457 2021
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  • Chua, T-P, Bodiyabadu, K, Machalek, DA, Garland, SM, Bradshaw, CS, Plummer, EL, Danielewski, J, Vodstrcil, LA, Doyle, ML, Murray, GL. Prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium fluoroquinolone-resistance markers, and dual-class-resistance markers, in asymptomatic men who have sex with men. Journal of Medical Microbiology 70(9) : 001429 2021
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  • Plummer, EL, Vodstrcil, LA, Bodiyabadu, K, Murray, GL, Doyle, M, Latimer, RL, Fairley, CK, Payne, M, Chow, EPF, Garland, SM, et al. Are Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum associated with specific genital symptoms and clinical signs in non-pregnant women?. Clinical Infectious Diseases 73(4) : ciab061- 2021
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  • Plummer, EL, Danielewski, JA, Garland, SM, Su, J, Jacobs, SE, Murray, GL. The effect of probiotic supplementation on the gut microbiota of preterm infants. Journal of Medical Microbiology 70(8) : 001403 2021
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  • Shilling, H, Garland, SM, Atchison, S, Cornall, AM, Brotherton, JML, Bateson, D, McNamee, K, Kaldor, JM, Hocking, JS, Chen, MY, et al. Human papillomavirus prevalence and risk factors among Australian women 9–12 years after vaccine program introduction. Vaccine 39(34) : 4856 -4863 2021
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